Monografias Prontas - Lithium production begins in Searles Lake, California, in 1928 (MUMFORD,
1949, p. 513).
Oliveira and Leonardos (1943, p. 146) say that the "[...] relation of the series Roque with small porphyritic granites is very clear. Monografias Prontas - "Meyer part of a passage from the chronicle of "May 14," from The Week: "There was sun, and great sun, on that Sunday of 1888, when the Senate voted the law,
which the regent sanctioned [...] (ASSIS, 1994, v. 3, page 583).
To emphasize excerpts from the quotation, it should be noted that this alteration with the expression grifo ours in parentheses, after the call of the citation, or griffin of the author, if the highlight is already part of the work consulted.


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